Urauke block
Master Seiko Higa parrys the opponent's punch
with Urauke block and Nekoashi stance.
I translated historical articles written in Japanese about Okinawan karate into English. Also enjoy my videoclips of Kata of Okinawan Gojuryu Karate and Ryukyu Kobudo. My e-mail address is sanzinsoo@hotmail.com
Wow, it's the new year day of Chinese lunar calendar tomorrow. Happy New Year! Let's celebrate the year of dragon. Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek! Saya merayakan Imlek 2012. Tahun ini adalah tahun naga. Xin Nian Kuai Le. Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu. Kotoshi wa Tatsu-doshi desu.