I translated historical articles written in Japanese about Okinawan karate into English. Also enjoy my videoclips of Kata of Okinawan Gojuryu Karate and Ryukyu Kobudo. My e-mail address is sanzinsoo@hotmail.com
Thursday, November 27, 2008
According to Mr. Akio Kinjo, a karate researcher, the name "Saifa" is derived from "Sai", a Chinese word meaning a lion. I agree with him. I suppose "Sai" is a Fukien dialect for a lion. Actually in Indonesian language, a lion dance is called "Barong Sai". "Barong" is an Indonesia word, while "Sai" is a Chinese word. In the kata of Saifa, there is a double knuckle strike, which resembles a lion's paws.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Eku or Weeku (= an oar) of Ryukyu Kobudo
Eku or Weeku is an Okinawan word for an oar. It becomes a weapon in Ryukyu Kobudo. My teacher learned most of Ryukyu Kobudo including Eku from Shimpo Matayoshi. Recently I have got a message from my friend that he would like to see my Eku Kata, so this morning I performed it in the park and made this video clip. Now it is autumn here in Japan.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
琉球古武道 ヌンチャク Nunchaku
I performed the same Kata of Nunchaku in 1984 when Seiko Higa’s 50th dojo anniversary demonstration was held in Naha, Okinawa. More than 24 years have passed since then, but I still practice the same Kata even today.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Gekisai Ichi
Gekisai Ichi is the so-called unified Kata. It was created for both Naha-te school and Shuri-te school, so even if you are not a Goju-ryu stylist, you can understand it and can perform it easily.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I have just started teaching Bo-jutsu to several members of my friend's Eisa (= Okinawan drum dance) team, so at this time the level of our performance is still very low. However, I really would like to show you how the Bo-jutsuis is like if we practice according to the Bo-jutsu Manual I posted the other day.
Eisa Troupe of Mr. Agena, my friend, in Osaka, Japan