I translated historical articles written in Japanese about Okinawan karate into English. Also enjoy my videoclips of Kata of Okinawan Gojuryu Karate and Ryukyu Kobudo. My e-mail address is sanzinsoo@hotmail.com
Today we had a festival in Nagano Shrine in Osaka. It is called Koya Kaido Matsuri. It means the festival of the ancient route to Koyasan which is the sacred temple established by Kukai. In the shrine, we danced Eisaa, the popular Okinawan “Bon” dance. Following the dance, I performed the Kata of Bo (= a fighting staff) and Sai of Ryukyu Kobudo. The photo of myself in Eisaa costume.
GeoCities is closing on 26th October 2009, so my websites (http://uk.geocities.com/sanzinsoo and http://www.geocities.com/sanzinsoo) are to be closed. I have already moved most of the contents to the new site of Angelfire. The new URL is as under.
I hope you change the URL accordingly and keep linking your website with my website. Many thanks.